The Museum of Orange Heritage may be closed, but that hasn't stopped the staff from doing their bit to bring history directly to the classroom.
The latest stage of the Virtual Museum Visit project, which first got underway in November, took place just before the end of term for one County Antrim primary school.

Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland Outreach Officer, David Scott (pictured above and below) was delighted to welcome pupils from Parkhall Primary School and teacher Miss Sharon Harbinson to the museum - via the internet, of course!
David explained: "The Virtual Museum Visits aim to give children access to the museum and its resources without ever leaving their desks!
"Covid-19 has presented very real challenges to the museum and we have really missed the opportunity to welcome schools to Schomberg House. This project allows engagement with schools to continue using the latest technology.
"Parkhall Primary bring pupils to the museum annually, indeed they generally travel to the museum at this time of year. So, this was a great opportunity to ensure that relationship between the museum and school continued.
“We are grateful to the schools who have agreed to take part in this initial phase and hopefully we can look forward to rolling this project out further in the weeks and months ahead.”

It is anticipated that the pilot project will continue in the new year and the museum is keen for more schools to take part.
If your school would like to avail of a Virtual Visit to the Museum of Orange Heritage contact David Scott on 028 9070 1122 or email
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