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A Resolute People exhibition goes live!


Museum of Orange Heritage is delighted to announce that its new exhibition is now open to the public!

The museum team were delighted to welcome the County Grand Masters from Donegal, Leitrim, Cavan and Monaghan for the official launch of 'A Resolute People - The Story of Southern Orangeism' exhibition.

Wor. Bro Alan Mackeral, County Monaghan GM; Wor. Bro. David Mahon – County Donegal GM; Wor. Bro. Joe Morton – County Leitrim GM; and Wor. Bro. Henry Latimer – County Cavan GM joined Grand Master Edward Stevenson, Deputy Grand Master Harold Henning and Grand Secretary Rev. Mervyn Gibson to complete the formalities.

Following the formal cutting of the ribbon by Grand Master Edward Stevenson, the brethren enjoyed viewing the exhibits.

Dr Jonathan Mattison commented: "We are delighted that our 'A Resolute People' exhibition is open to the public.

"It was our intention to have this exhibition in 2020 – however Covid-19 brought a halt to those plans and indeed many others.

"This exhibition places the Orange Family in the Republic of Ireland centre stage and casts light not only on the many challenges they have faced over the last 100 years, but also on their many successes."

Our museum exhibitions open on significant dates. Today was chosen to launch the exhibition as it marks the 100th anniversary of the IRA kidnapping 40 unionists from the Clogher Valley in response to the arrest of five IRA gunmen in February 1922.

Among those taken was the 80 year old County Grand Master of Tyrone, Anketell Moutray. He refused to be intimidated and kept his spirits up by singing Psalms, Hymns and Rule Britannia... much to the consternation of his captors!

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